Cookie Dough Protein Balls

Sunday evening means meal prep for me! And I have just prepared a batch of protein balls to take to work for a mid-afternoon snack so I avoid getting home completely starving. These take only five minutes to make and then just place them in the fridge to keep a few days.

This time, I did a variation too, adding spirulina powder.
Spirulina is a natural algae powder that is incredibly high in numerous nutrients such as vitamin B1, B2, B3, iron and also high in protein. It also has powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, can reduce bad cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and the list goes on. In terms of fitness, it can help with muscle strength and endurance. 

Cookie dough protein balls recipe:

05_Cookie dough protein balls



Spirulina & Vanilla Protein balls:

To the above recipe, add one tablespoon of spirulina powder.

The nutrition facts become the following:

Cals: 159 and similar macros


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